Alert Space Security Services in Pune on duty during COVID-19 pandemic

Together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. The global coronavirus pandemic has changed our way of life. During these difficult times, our security guards are performing their duties at great risk. They are helping our clients to keep their premises safe and secure.

At Alert Space Security Services, we give the highest priority to protecting the health of our clients and employees. We feel immensely proud to serve our clients during this pandemic and keep them safe, but at the same time, we need to ensure the safety of our security guards.

To keep your premises safe and secure our highly trained security services guards are taking necessary precautions during COVID-19. Following are the best practices we are following meticulously to restrict the spread of the virus.

1. Washing Hands Regularly – 

Our security services guards are following the recommendations given by the World Health Organization of washing hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.

2. Wearing Face Mask –

Our security services guards are periodically provided with face masks to protect themselves from the COVID-19 virus. They are wearing face masks throughout their duty and encouraging the residents to wear a mask and ensuring the safety of everyone.

3. Screening at the Gate –

Our security guards are provided with a temperature gun and oximeters to screen the visitors at the gate. Every staff member, vendor, service provider, housekeeping, maids & guests, every visitor are screened at the entry gate as per the guidelines provided. This is helping in controlling the spread of the virus.

4. Helping COVID-19 home quarantine patients –

Our security services guards are helping COVID-19 patients in home isolation by providing necessary supplies to their doorstep. Our guards are ensuing 24/7 support to the home isolation patients and available immediately on a call. Alert Space has provided PPE kits for the safety of its own guards.

5. Disinfecting of Common Areas –

To control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, it’s important to keep the common areas disinfected. Our security services guards are ensuring that the housekeeping is disinfecting the premises. The guards are ensuring the implementation of all safety measures recommended by the clients.

For your residential society, commercial place, hotel, or industry, choose the professional security services provider. During this pandemic, it’s important to protect the health of your residents, staff, employees, guests, or visitors. Alert Space Security Services is what you need.

Alert Space group is known as one of the most trustworthy security service providers in Pune, Maharashtra, India. The group is among the first Government certified & approved organizations in Pune. We provide Security Analysis, Security Testing, Security Consulting, Guarding, Facility & Fleet Management, Background Screening, Corporate Intelligence & Investigations services to MNC’s, Corporates, Banks & Financial Institutions, Housing Societies, Embassies, Star Properties, Pharmaceutical Companies, and Large Industries. Our philosophy has always been to provide our customers with the best & most trusted Security Services in the industry.

If you are looking for a trustworthy security service provider do write us at or call on +918999516984

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